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  • Duh: Arguments for Basic Common Sense Policies 

    Part 1 – Illegal Immigration

    The “Duh” series of articles will aim to provide our readers with only the finest of arguments in favor of things we all kind of used to just accept as common sense in this country. Things such as: if you’re anatomically equipped to use a urinal, you should probably use the men’s room. Also, perhaps American taxpayer dollars should be prioritized to help Americans, rather than foreign nationals living in their own countries. We’ll even explore the now-bigoted idea that if your doctor tells you you’re 200 pounds overweight, he’s not fat-shaming you, and maybe even why sticking scissors in an electric socket is a bad idea...Read More...

    created: 5/12/2017 3:25 PM
    Mark Barnes, Esq., outside counsel to SB Tactical, makers of what is commonly referred to as the "Sig Brace," or a pistol brace, wrote a letter to ATF Jan. 5 2017 asking for clarification of the ATFs 2015 open letter regarding the redesign of "Stabilizing Braces" into full blown stocks when used against the shoulder.  Not so good if you had it on a pistol like everyone and their mother, because now you're violating the NFA everytime the brace so much as makes contact with your shoulder.  As is typical with anything ATF said or did during the Obama administration, much of the industry panicked, while others simply shrugged their shoulders at the stupidity and lack of logic the ATF continually possesses in these matters...Read More...

    created: 4/25/2017 2:34 PM
    Clinger Holsters was nice enough to send us a pre-release version of their update to the No Print Wonder, the V2, for one of the more popular CCW choices on the market, the Glock 19.  Continue Reading...

    created: 3/31/2017 7:13 PM

  • Tuesday's meeting of the PA Board of Game Commissioners legalized hunting with semi-automatic rifles in Pennsylvania, but unlike the original unanimously approved proposal, it did not include the legalization of semi-autos for big game.  Read More...

    created: 3/30/2017 6:00 PM

  • There are plenty of concealed carry guns out there, but not everyone's budget is the same. Some people don't have the disposable income (or willingness to go into credit card debt) that allows them to spend $1,000 on a handgun.  Read More...

    created: 3/13/2017 6:42 PM

  • Here are 5 easy tips to help you spend less time, money, ammo, and frustration zeroing a new optic on your rifle.

    created: 3/1/2017 6:23 PM
  • created: 2/20/2017 9:34 PM
  • created: 1/25/2017 5:37 PM


    I had never attended an event anything like the CAA Train the Trainer event in my life.  We did live fire drills in circumstances rarely available to the average person like me.  Circumstances including complete darkness, running toward the targets, and clearing a building in a "shoot house" are just some of the things offered by CAA at this event.  The facility itself is the stuff of legend as well...(Continue Reading)

    created: 1/25/2017 4:01 PM
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