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Why Trump is right on Charlottesville
created: 8/17/2017 2:20 PM in NEWS


Yet another manufactured outrage has occurred, and is now gripping the American Left and all their institutions – corporate media, especially – in the form of President Trump’s now infamous “many sides” remarks following a violent clash between left-wing Neo-Nazis (i.e. National SOCIALISTS), along with members of the KKK (formerly the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party), and farther-left members of the ironically named ‘Anti-Fascists’ ANTIFA.  The most tragic part of the story, which took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, was of course the murder of a beautiful young girl named Heather Heyer, who was killed by a piece of sh*t Nazi sympathizer, whose name we won’t mention, when he ran his car into a group of protestors.

President Trump, in remarks after the brawl and then subsequent murder, condemned the violence, but instead of singling out so-labeled “far-right” white supremacists, instead chose to say that “many sides” were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville.  This, of course, sent the leftists into a level-9 meltdown.  Why? Because Trump dared to steal a move from the Left’s playbook – drawing false moral equivalencies.  Except, in this case, the moral equivalencies weren’t so false.  The far-left thugs of ANTIFA, as well as the neo-Nazi and KKK punks, both showed up with enough bottles, bats, sticks, mace, and other street-fight weaponry to bludgeon, beat, and possibly kill each other and the cops with.

Admittedly, the single murder in Charlottesville lays solely at the feet of a neo-Nazi, and for that reason it would have been best if Trump had singled out that group for, in whatever way, helping to inspire a would-be mass murderer. In such a violent and chaotic event however, in which both sides came prepared to commit aggravated assault on one another, and rage and passions can and did easily get out of hand, it was only luck that each side didn’t rack up a homicide or more.  A swung baseball bat or thrown lump of concrete to the temple can easily kill someone, and ANTIFA, also, showed no hesitancy to try their best to injure their opponents in such a way. So, again, Trump’s statements are in line with the truth, and he is absolutely justified to condemn both sides for the violence perpetrated.

Not only are the leftists in the media furious over the suggestion that their out-of-control Stalinist children could be put on the same moral plane as neo-Nazis and the KKK – which they are – but more than that they’re furious at the perceived lack of moral accountability that they believe Trump, and conservatives in general, should feel regarding these white supremacist groups.  There are no shortage of RINO cucks, like Paul Ryan, who jump at the opportunity to disavow groups with zero affiliation to conservatism, just to show their Progressive drinking buddies in D.C. how virtuous they are, but Trump doesn’t seem to be on that sad team.

I don’t know Trump’s mind, and I have plenty of constructive criticisms of our Commander in Chief and the way he communicates sometimes, but if I were in his shoes, this is why I too would not immediately jump to denounce, specifically, “far-right” white supremacist groups, and why I think he and others are wrong to even suggest the political Right has or had anything to do with this:

You may have noticed “far right” in quotations, twice.  There’s a reason I did that, and it’s because there is nothing right-wing about these groups.  In the American context, the left/right dichotomy relates to a spectrum of belief regarding the level of government involvement in society and individual citizens’ lives.  A far-left extremist, aka a simple Communist, is someone who believes government should run every aspect of the economy, and every aspect of societal life.  This, as history has shown, invariably results in a 1984 Orwellian-type world, in which people live in an open-air prison and are nothing more than gears in a machine. Then there’s the little problem of mass murder and gulags of course.  Inversely, on the other end of the spectrum, a far-right extremist would be an anarchist – someone who believes in no government, which at least is only as bad a life as the animals of the forest have it.

Progressives, on one day, will label people like Republican Senator Rand Paul a far-right extremist for wanting to cut government spending; on another day they will label hate groups like the neo-Nazis and the KKK with the same “far-right” label, as if being fiscally conservative and being a racist had anything to do with one another.  What, exactly, were the political leanings of the racists that showed up in Charlottesville?  I didn’t get the sense they were there out of concern for the exploding national debt, or collapsing health care under Obamacare.  They didn’t strike me as very libertarian, or as members of the Tea Party, still frustrated over the Wall Street bailouts.

Labels like “alt-right” or “far-right” in conjunction with “Nazi” and “white supremacy” have become a weapon of Leftist social and political warfare.  By conditioning people’s minds to associate “right-wing” with racism and hate, they can bypass people’s critical thinking, stifle and shut down discussion, and de facto censor speech.  Once they attach this label to you, people will automatically and instinctively dismiss you as a lesser person, and disregard whatever you think or say before you even say it.

So why should Trump or any conservative politician or citizen feel obligated to denounce these groups? Because they don’t belong to us.  They are the Frankenstein monsters of the Left, all of them, now gone to war with one another.  It would be the same as asking a conservative to denounce radical Islam, or Stalinist Red-Terror violence – it’s a given. Leftists in the media are playing a game. They stand before the President and conservatives and ask, with the preconceived assumption that we are to blame, to profess our innocence by denouncing such vile groups.  Why isn’t it assumed that we do.  It was always assumed that Barack Obama was in no way morally culpable for things like the Orlando nightclub massacre by a raging Islamist, though Obama had a romantic view of Islam; or the assassination of five Dallas police officers by a Black Lives Matter sympathizer.  I, for one, have no interest in playing this game.

We, as conservatives and American patriots of all colors and creeds should have some damn pride for once, and remind the other side every chance we get that it is THEY who need reign in these groups, by reigning in their addiction to identity politics.  That is, at the end of the day, the genesis of the problem.  Newton’s Law being that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, it is not a great surprise that when one color of racial supremacy group, like BLM, starts to rise, that some nemesis racial supremacy group like the neo-Nazis begin to show their ugly heads again as well.  The neo-Nazis, and Nazis before them, are a product of socialism – a left wing ideology.  They KKK are a product of the American Democrat party, and one which they have never taken responsibility for, or apologized for.  Progressives have consistently held that “race matters”.  Republicans have consistently held that it doesn’t.  When free-market capitalists and the Tea Party start killing people in the name of their beliefs, then we can talk about “right wing” violence.

The Left must also be reminded that, to the extent these white supremacist groups voice any kind of support for Trump, it isn’t because he or his supporters or his ACTUAL positions on things like immigration have put wind in their sails, it’s because a steady and relentless drumbeat of “Trump is Hitler”, “Trump supporters are Nazis”, echoed over and over and over again by the media and politicians and left-wing pundits for almost two years now, has worked.

ANTIFA and the neo-Nazis of Charlottesville represent two opposing groups who’ve both been brainwashed to believe this unjust narrative.  ANTIFA unjustly believes Trump is Hitler, and thus hates him.  The neo-Nazis unjustly believe, also, because they too watch the news, that Trump is Hitler, and thus find in him a savior.  It is not Trump’s responsibility or obligation to convince people that he is not the evil caricature that the disgusting fake media has brainwashed swathes of the American public into thinking he is.  It is THEY, the media, who bear this responsibility, for it is their crime for animating and giving hope to the neo-Nazis and KKK.

Lastly, until the double standards end, President Trump and conservatives should never stop reminding the American people and the leftist media about these double standards.  Trump is being criticized in the harshest way I’ve ever seen for saying something that Barack Obama said on more than one occasion, during much greater tragedies.  On February 5th, 2015, just a few weeks after the massacre of 14 Americans in San Bernardino by a husband and wife Islamic terrorist team, Barack Obama reminded all of us at the National Prayer Breakfast to not judge Islam to harshly, because Christians did bad things too once.

“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

This was President Obama’s post-terrorist attack “many sides” speech.  Even though the Crusades ended over 700 years ago, and was in large part a response to the unprovoked invasion of Europe, Obama was applauded for being so fair by pointing out the “many sides” of religious violence and extremism.  Either both Obama and Trump are right for what their respective remarks, or they are both wrong.

Then there was the shooting and attempted assassination of multiple Republican congressmen by an unhinged left-wing Bernie Bro, who was also convinced by the unjust media rhetoric.  I remember all kinds of “many sides” arguments coming from the likes of CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times, in an attempt to water down what really happened, and to mask the extent to which the political Left is becoming increasingly violent and extremist.

So in conclusion – not only no, but hell no.  Keep on reminding them, Mr. President, that yes there are in fact “many sides” to political violence and hate going on in this country these days, but they are all from gradations of the political Left.

created: 8/17/2017 2:20 PM in NEWS


commented on 10/19/2017 10:33 PM

It is entertaining reading all of the overreactions to an opinion piece.


commented on 09/23/2017 07:02 PM

checking back in: this still some top-tier bootlicker cryptofascist horseshit, and the author of this word-barf has the worldview of a fucking ghoul

[email protected]

commented on 09/11/2017 09:27 PM

wow. and I thought this site was just a cool site to browse local firearms. will be looking to buy and sell my stuff elsewhere. what you right wingers do not realize is that you have been coopted by the elite, self-serving scum like Trump and the Koch brothers. they are using you like cheap whores. you are so proud to be ignorant too... you are so easy to fool. Trump uses you and he has zero respect for you. he would never get anywhere close to the likes of you without secret service protection... but you drool over him and his money and his trophy wife. Ayn Rand railed against welfare but she would roll over in her grave if she knew that the people in the top 1/2 of 1 percent who are robbing this country blind were using her philosophy to justify what they are doing. the tables have turned... the people sucking off welfare from the bottom don't even show on the radar compared to the corporate welfare of this day. there are no Hank Reardons on the right. they don't exist. Elon Musk is the new Hank Reardon and the moochers and takers are all on the right living in billion dollar homes paying no taxes and not sending their kids to fight our wars. the oil and gas lobby, the gun lobby and the religious nuts have you gun nuts all under their thumb and they are laughing all the way to the bank. they use fear - of someone taking your gun, or taking your job or your gas guzzling pickup - to get you to vote against your own interests. this Rob R character (who looks a lot like Bart Simpson I must say...) is an idiot. Antifa is never armed. ever. its against everything they stand for. they stand against intolerance. period. the organizers of Charlottesville came armed to intimidate, with loaded weapons and intentions to use them. one of them fired a handgun at protestors. one ran a group of people over. the counter-protestors were standing against hate... as we all should. guns have no place at an event like this. hate has no place in America if we are to be free to pursue life, liberty and happiness. back to gunbroker. good riddance.


commented on 08/24/2017 12:23 PM

It's amusing that some people think that only people from the right own guns. Lefties use this site too. Some people are just living in their own little world and can't see outside of it.


commented on 08/24/2017 12:40 AM

Where did all these leftie/marxists posters come from? They're like roaches and seem to pop up even on sites like this. Not only do I agree with Rob R...I think he's still too nice on the leftie/marxist/antifa side. These "antifa" people are the new bolsheviks out to shut down dissent and ulimately your rights, people. It's time to stop being PC and regain your (lost) instinct for self-preservation to include our Constitutional rights.


commented on 08/23/2017 10:19 AM

Israel runs America. They control the banking system and the media, and they buy our political leaders. They are flooding the West with millions of non-whites and pitting them against whites. They want a race war so they can justify declaring martial law and the stripping away of our rights. They ultimately want to destroy the West by depopulating the white race. They are using out military to take out Israel's enemies in the Middle East so that Israel and expand it's territory. Look up "The Greater Israel Project". Here is just a sample of Jewish media control. ABC is owned by Disney. The CEO of Disney is Bob Iger. He is Jewish. CBS is owned by Viacom. The Chairman and majority owner of Viacom is Sumner Redstone. He is Jewish. The CEO of CBS is Leslie Moonves. He is Jewish. NBC is owned by Comcast. The CEO of Comcast is Brian Roberts. He is Jewish. CNN is owned by Israeli billionaire Aviv Nevo. The CEO of CNN is Jeff Zucker. He is Jewish. Fox News is owned by Ruport Murdock. His mother is Jewish. By Talmudic law, that makes him Jewish. Youtube CEO is Susan Wojcicki. She is Jewish. Youtube is owned by Google. The founders and majority owners of Google are Sergei Brin and Larry Page. Both are Jewish. Facebook CEO is Mark Zuckerberg. He is Jewish. With theor control of Hollywood, the news media and social media websites.. Jews, a people who represent less than 2% of the US population, control nearly all of the information we receive.


commented on 08/22/2017 11:30 PM

Thank you for your service, and the work you do on armslist.


commented on 08/22/2017 08:29 PM

My advice, get a new media director! If Rob R. is your idea of a statesmen, your truly misguided. There is no place in America for NeoNazis, KKK, or other HATE filled white males. Upside is I don't need your site to purchase guns, etc.


commented on 08/22/2017 09:49 AM

I lost respect for Armslist for publishing this. I will be looking for an alternative now.


commented on 08/21/2017 10:53 PM

Some of these comments read like the people got their history from public school systems, instead of the public library, where if you read enough you will probably run into some truth.


commented on 08/21/2017 10:35 PM

I wish Armslist would take the image of T. Rump and the Charlottesville story down. His national approval rating is a dismal 35% and he's a chronic prevaricator. There's nothing redeeming about him. Move on, Armslist.


commented on 08/21/2017 03:56 PM

Wow. This article almost makes me never want to use armslist again. " but they are all from gradations of the political Left." is one of the most willfully ignorant lines of propaganda I've ever heard. "Even though the Crusades ended over 700 years ago, and was in large part a response to the unprovoked invasion of Europe" is completely false.


commented on 08/21/2017 02:55 PM

How Trump was right on Charlottesville: He's fucking not. The end.


commented on 08/21/2017 07:00 AM

How about this i think they are all wrong and should keep there shitty opinions to themselves because when they shit it smells and everyone smells it people unfortunately kill other people this has happened since the dawn of time the only things that change is the reason why they do it we all know its wrong and 2 wrongs dont make a right thank you for your service rob and reguardless of other peoples opinion you have a right to yours as well and no i do not support any president or group i am an openminded taxpaying citizen that judges people by Character Not Color or Belief


commented on 08/20/2017 11:20 PM

What does this have to do with guns? Little of azimuth now aren't we?


commented on 08/20/2017 03:01 PM

Mayne you should stop your pro Trump articles and keep this page about guns.


commented on 08/20/2017 02:58 PM

hahahaha no


commented on 08/20/2017 03:30 AM

Sir, This is AMAZING! Please send it up the Chain of command. This needs total saturation.


commented on 08/20/2017 02:10 AM

Shut up with this propaganda garbage. The Nazis are democrats?! Lmao I bet all those confederate flag waving Nazis voted Clinton right??? Lol idiot. This article was written by a person who couldn't pass a high school journalism class


commented on 08/18/2017 11:36 PM

There are people who are loud and terrible, and then there are just people who are loud. The Nazis are the former and the anti-Nazis ther other. Thank GOD that we have people willing to stand up against evil.


commented on 08/18/2017 05:02 PM

There are extremes on both side, neither of which are correct in my opinion. Trump did court support from the 'White Supremacy' Group and that is political prostitution in my opinion, I sure don't think either extreme represents the majority of american and should not be supported directly or indirectly by the top politician in this country. As for you history being at stake, to me that statement is an oxymoron. You can't change history, only the political direction our goverment is heading. That, in my opinion again, is indeed in dire straights and all the more so because I don't believe 'of the people, by the people and for the people' is an accurate statement in relation to out goverment any more!


commented on 08/18/2017 01:13 PM

Lets not lie to ourselves and say there is no racism on the right. I agree there was more blame to go around, but the issue was the far left, and the far right. You can't put the KKK on the left, and then support the right toting around the confederate flag. You can't put the nazis on the left and pretend they didn't all vote republican. Big government is a curse of the far left and far right ever since we adopted Trump.


commented on 08/18/2017 09:17 AM

I could not of said it better!! Our history is at stake love it or hate it its who WE ARE and WHERE WE came from!! Its unbelievable how they attack Trump! If we erase our past and our history then be are bound to repeat it!! All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain SILENT!! Thomas Jefferson Thanks for your service Rob and our military family everywhere!!


commented on 08/17/2017 06:54 PM

One side advertised their protest as white nationalism, chanted neo-nazi slogans, came locked and loaded, and KILLED one person. The other side came to protest these people. Not everyone that came to counter-protest was ANTIFA ex. Heather Heyer. Everyone on the other side was a Nazi/KKK supporter or sympathizer. One side committed a terrorist attack. These aren't equal. The blame isn't shared. Trump is wrong. F*ck him.

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