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  • "All of Our Attempts to Illegally Purchase Firearms from Private Sellers on the Surface Web Were Unsuccessful." read more...

    created: 3/1/2018 8:17 PM

    Win an Urban Carry VR Headset! 

    Virtual Reality (VR) Firearm Training Headset with Android & iOS App 

    Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Training Headset. Simply download the Urban Carry Academy App in the Apple or Google Play store, place your smart phone in the headset, and begin training! Urban Carry VR training allows you to hone your personal defense skills wherever you are, whenever you want.  No need to walk around, just turn your head and be part of the training.
    Urban Carry VR Academy

      • iTunes App Available Now (Free)
      • Google Play Available 11/21/17 (Free)

    REVO Dual Mag Shell

    The Dual Magazine holsters can each accommodate either a single or double stack mag.  As part of the REVO system these shells work interchangeably with any REVO rig and can rotate to any angle.

    Urban Carry Drawstring Bag

    created: 2/23/2018 10:38 PM

    More and more people who are not professionally involved in the military, security and/or law enforcement fields are starting to consider body armor. Civilian safety is, in fact, becoming a hot topic of discussion on both government and public levels as the number of assaults, violent accidents, urban unrest and terrorist attacks through the roof in the last decade. Even though a lot of people have gotten in the habit of walking around with pepper spray or some other form of personal protection, now body armor is quickly becoming the next best thing to stay safe any place, any time...Read More...

    created: 2/15/2018 3:38 PM

  • M9A3 Giveaway from GunProDeals! Just sign up for the Newsletter and you're entered to win! Plus you're eligible for upcoming Monthly Giveaways as well.

    Enter the giveaway here:

    created: 2/12/2018 8:12 PM

  • Television was once a reflection of life rather than a blue print for how people should live their lives.  Read more...

    created: 2/8/2018 6:56 PM

  • Jan 28th, 2018

    One great thing about being at SHOT SHOW is seeing something that is going to solve problems in our industry...Read More

    created: 2/6/2018 3:15 PM
  • created: 2/5/2018 6:31 PM
  • Mec-Gar® USA is proud to announce the introduction of an eight-round .45acp 1911 magazine with the text of the second amendment of the US Constitution laser engraved to their product line. Mec-Gar USA will be donating 10% of the proceeds from the sale of these magazines to pro-second amendment organizations. Read more...

    created: 11/27/2017 6:37 PM
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