commented on 09/15/2024 08:02 PM
Vegetarian dishes ;>P
commented on 08/30/2024 01:01 AM
Cat jerky.
commented on 06/05/2024 09:58 PM
Better than starving to death.
commented on 05/23/2024 01:11 PM
This makes me hungry!
commented on 05/23/2024 08:08 AM
Need this in my life rn
commented on 05/22/2024 09:29 AM
Would be nice to have
commented on 05/19/2024 09:51 PM
Sweet baby Jesus ! Hope it tastes as horrible as it looks . Otherwise , I might fancy another .
commented on 05/18/2024 02:03 PM
Have more faith in my new born baby than Joe Biden not shitting himself
commented on 05/18/2024 02:01 PM
FJB trump2024
commented on 05/18/2024 10:06 AM
commented on 05/14/2024 11:01 PM
Anything while listening to Kamala Harris!
commented on 05/14/2024 11:00 PM
Liberal tears
commented on 05/14/2024 10:11 PM
Puff Daddys finger
commented on 05/14/2024 10:05 PM
Soup beans, that texture makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up
commented on 05/14/2024 09:51 PM
I’m a grower not a show-er!
commented on 05/14/2024 09:42 PM
i love mre's
commented on 05/14/2024 09:13 PM
I’d probably start with all the Asian girls in the adjacent neighborhood… already developing a taste for them since my divorce!
commented on 05/14/2024 08:23 PM
Great green globs of greasy grimy gofer guts ,w/ a side of mutilated monkey meat
commented on 05/14/2024 07:49 PM
The MRE of course!
commented on 05/14/2024 07:40 PM
Green eggs and ham
commented on 05/14/2024 07:33 PM
Go down on a Italian Girl its like licking a Barbers Floor
commented on 05/14/2024 07:31 PM
Eat a Buckets of Maggots on a Fart Wagon
commented on 05/14/2024 07:29 PM
comment made
commented on 05/14/2024 07:18 PM
Nasty liver and onions
commented on 05/14/2024 07:13 PM
Yum yum
commented on 05/14/2024 06:40 PM
Worm jerky, pre jerked.
commented on 05/14/2024 06:39 PM
Work jerky, pre jerked.
commented on 05/14/2024 06:12 PM
Nice, let's get that out on a tray.
commented on 05/14/2024 06:03 PM
MREs: Because food should come with a safety briefing
commented on 05/14/2024 04:42 PM
Somebody that has maggot foot with a can of raid.
commented on 05/14/2024 11:13 AM
Boiled Okra
commented on 05/14/2024 10:57 AM
Constipation or diarrhea? You choose.
commented on 05/14/2024 01:43 AM
My mother in laws dung, or spam. Pretty sure their close to the same in taste..
commented on 05/13/2024 11:40 PM
It would be a bad day however, I'd eat the ass end of a dead menstruating skunk if it meant staying alive.
commented on 05/13/2024 09:56 PM
I have sampled the vegetarian MREs they're not bad, all the side components are really good and I don't know if I'd eat bugs or not I guess if I was hungry enough you're going to eat a damn bug.
commented on 05/13/2024 09:29 PM
I have no problem eating insects and similar things. Have done so while living in the Philippines.
commented on 05/13/2024 08:19 PM
A liberals pet... I'm sure the meat's been infected as well.
commented on 05/13/2024 06:21 PM
I would eat a veggie mre if the shtf
commented on 05/13/2024 05:19 PM
Doo-doo baby
commented on 05/13/2024 04:22 PM
commented on 05/13/2024 03:58 PM
Another great opportunity
commented on 05/13/2024 02:30 PM
Not sure if Sh!t on a fan will be very tasty.
commented on 05/13/2024 01:49 PM
Insects, because gates says they are safe.
commented on 05/13/2024 11:08 AM
Neighbors cat, neighbors tropical fish, neighbor
commented on 05/13/2024 10:07 AM
“I got a meat for a butter” if you know you know:)
commented on 05/13/2024 10:04 AM
Steaming pile of vagina!
commented on 05/13/2024 09:58 AM
Worms, but only if I was starving
commented on 05/13/2024 09:00 AM
commented on 05/13/2024 06:06 AM
Pickles . Not at all but would be willing for survival
commented on 05/13/2024 04:17 AM
Whats up!
commented on 05/13/2024 03:59 AM
The ally cat
commented on 05/13/2024 12:32 AM
My neighbors
commented on 05/12/2024 10:31 PM
commented on 05/12/2024 11:09 AM
Id eat the crotch out of a raggedy ann doll. Or an asswhole out of a alligator
commented on 05/12/2024 10:29 AM
Q: What is the worst food you would be willing to eat in a SHTF situation? A: The ass of the dipsh*t in charge of those CAPTCHA pictures.
commented on 05/12/2024 10:28 AM
Armslist asks; "What is the worst food you would be willing to eat in a SHTF situation?"... My Answer; "Your Mom".
commented on 05/12/2024 09:51 AM
nasty snails
commented on 05/12/2024 09:50 AM
commented on 05/12/2024 09:44 AM
Love these giveaways you guys do
commented on 05/12/2024 09:42 AM
Sounds great for date night
commented on 05/12/2024 02:03 AM
dog uterus
commented on 05/12/2024 12:55 AM
Curdled hotdog flavored milk.
commented on 05/12/2024 12:16 AM
I’d eat dog shit from a cat
commented on 05/11/2024 10:02 PM
Fried tomatoes!
commented on 05/11/2024 06:38 PM
commented on 05/11/2024 02:47 PM
That's what she said.
commented on 05/11/2024 11:34 AM
Deep fried worms.
commented on 05/11/2024 11:19 AM
Good luck with “vegetable crumbles” with my luck I’ll actually win this crap.
commented on 05/11/2024 11:18 AM
commented on 05/11/2024 09:42 AM
I'd reluctantly devour a canned delicacy labeled "Mystery Meat Surprise".
commented on 05/10/2024 10:40 PM
Hound Dog is gonna eat that puss Redwing special
commented on 05/10/2024 08:20 PM
commented on 05/10/2024 07:57 PM
commented on 05/10/2024 06:27 PM
Shit on a shingle.
commented on 05/10/2024 12:45 PM
good idea
commented on 05/10/2024 11:27 AM
Liberal stew
commented on 05/09/2024 11:39 PM
Terrestrial Snails
commented on 05/09/2024 05:49 PM
Maggots and worms soup
commented on 05/08/2024 08:37 PM
Fruitcake from a c-ration. Makes a great genade though!
commented on 05/08/2024 08:01 PM
Add to the stockpile!
commented on 05/08/2024 07:57 PM
Well, shitfire!!
commented on 05/08/2024 05:55 PM
Thats McDonald’s ya all
commented on 05/08/2024 05:53 PM
New item on MD Menu
commented on 05/08/2024 04:51 PM
Vomit on my sweater already.
commented on 05/08/2024 04:50 PM
I could eat
commented on 05/08/2024 03:20 PM
If I got really hungry, I'd probably eat vegan bacon.
commented on 05/08/2024 01:37 PM
anything from a gender neutral restaurant
commented on 05/08/2024 12:33 PM
Clown fish I normally don't eat 'Em because they taste funny.
commented on 05/08/2024 12:13 PM
Better than eating the neighbors, I guess...
commented on 05/08/2024 12:05 PM
commented on 05/08/2024 10:33 AM
Does once consumed corn still contain nutrition? Second chance corn pudding!!
commented on 05/08/2024 12:08 AM
Phyllis Diller's freeze dried embryos
commented on 05/07/2024 08:46 PM
Animal anus
commented on 05/07/2024 07:43 PM
Poke salad with fried earthworms and grubs with dandelion tea to wash it down
commented on 05/07/2024 06:10 PM
Soilet green
commented on 05/07/2024 02:44 PM
Do the worms come with a free colon screening?
commented on 05/07/2024 01:29 PM
worms or grubs
commented on 05/06/2024 04:59 PM
Well, Babe the proverbial poo has hit the you know what and the decadence of going to Walmart is no longer an option. After a long and careful deliberation between my two hat hangers. I have decided that the powers to be believe it's time for me to indulge finally on your mother's gourmet cooking. :-(
commented on 05/06/2024 11:55 AM
Well shit!
commented on 05/06/2024 11:42 AM
Joy Behar
commented on 05/06/2024 03:20 AM
commented on 05/05/2024 10:58 PM
Anything short of literal shit. Bugs, worms, ect.
commented on 05/05/2024 10:55 PM
I've learned to never ask what the meat is when eating in a dfac overseas. Also the Mexican style chicken stew or chicken burrito bowl are the best mre's.. I'll fight anyone on that one
commented on 05/05/2024 07:22 PM
Wolf pussy
commented on 05/05/2024 01:32 PM
Well, I draw the line at worms!
commented on 05/05/2024 09:29 AM
commented on 05/05/2024 08:38 AM
When fecal matter hits the rotary oscillator, I will do what it takes to survive, except for eating the fecal matter itself!
commented on 05/05/2024 07:01 AM
Aunt Edna's wig collection.
commented on 05/05/2024 06:50 AM
Hey, yall. Go sign the GOA petition to dismantle the BATFE
commented on 05/05/2024 03:27 AM
Stink bugs
commented on 05/04/2024 10:36 PM
Well all I can say is dark humor is like food! Not everyone gets it! And probably an MRE!
commented on 05/04/2024 10:03 PM
Fried farts and garlic and shit on a platter
commented on 05/04/2024 08:39 PM
Fried skunk’s ass. Packed with protein, among other things. No Tabasco necessary. And no, it doesn’t taste like chicken.
commented on 05/04/2024 05:02 PM
My moms lasagna
commented on 05/04/2024 04:20 PM
You gotta be starving to eat an MRE!
commented on 05/04/2024 03:59 PM
Oh. Got it wrong. Mac and cheese with tuna and ketchup. Pasta, cheese, protein, tomato. Delicious.
commented on 05/04/2024 03:58 PM
commented on 05/04/2024 03:55 PM
Brussel sprout casserole
commented on 05/04/2024 02:11 PM
A country boy can survive...
commented on 05/04/2024 01:57 PM
Bugs shit and my own words in that order
commented on 05/04/2024 01:41 PM
DJT.. dinner's ready, last call til 6am
commented on 05/04/2024 12:44 PM
Lunch with a Democrat.
commented on 05/04/2024 11:45 AM
An Obama era grade school lunch
commented on 05/04/2024 09:21 AM
It has got to be better than eating un digested berries out of bear shit!
commented on 05/03/2024 07:38 PM
I would go to the beach......sprinkle the last bit of crumbs I have left on my chest while laying flat on the sand .....wait for about 1 minute until the Segall notice me.....but naked with delicious crumbs frolicking all over me like sprinkles on an ice cream cone...thennnnnn once they have all gathered and pecked every last crumb from my body .....I will collect the poop thats been lathered all over and make segal shit pie! Don't judge me. :)
commented on 05/03/2024 07:25 PM
If shtf happened today and we had 0 food the I would look at the kitty and say .....sorry buddy....your Purina is going in my belly!
commented on 05/03/2024 02:16 PM
I was going to say SPAM because it's the worst food I have in my survival food supply. I'm serious about storing food because I've got 10 people in my household. But I realize I don't have enough food or seeds to get us through a winter yet, far from it. So if SHTF and we have to eat off the land I think earth worms are as far as I could go. That's because I think we could fry them up and crumble them and pretend they are bacon bits and put them on our dandelion salads. I better get some bacon flavor in a jar. That would help with the illusion of eating something fancy. I better put that on my list and go to the store.
commented on 05/03/2024 02:09 PM
@ndvisalli Mr Barbecue, if you decide to comply with the new NFA rule you can still use the pistol brace as a meat tenderizer!
commented on 05/03/2024 01:38 PM
People...i would go full Haiti on them
commented on 05/03/2024 12:21 PM
@LPCollins The Empire and Chancellor Palpatine lol
commented on 05/03/2024 10:59 AM
The worst food item I'd ever have to eat when SHTF is the WEF's and Klaus Schwab's Bugs!
commented on 05/03/2024 09:00 AM
Crow, Its not like I haven made a meal of that before.
commented on 05/03/2024 02:52 AM
Roadkill, insects and worms are near the end of my emergency edibles list!
commented on 05/03/2024 02:19 AM
Bullets would be the worst thing,
commented on 05/02/2024 08:44 PM
There is a cute little Filly at work……
commented on 05/02/2024 07:28 PM
My neighbors. Everything is good with enough BBQ sauce!!!
commented on 05/02/2024 07:10 PM
I'll eat anything but frenchfood
commented on 05/02/2024 05:56 PM
Roast skunk stroganoff topped with snowflake tears and badger milk gravy
commented on 05/02/2024 05:53 PM
Good ole greasy groundhog. Got to boil them before you roast them.
commented on 05/02/2024 05:38 PM
Probably fried worms and grubs
commented on 05/02/2024 05:24 PM
When you’re getting payed nickels and dimes you gotta take a shit in company time.
commented on 05/02/2024 05:19 PM
Gas station sushi
commented on 05/02/2024 04:51 PM
Tossed salad
commented on 05/02/2024 04:44 PM
I got a better one .. rocky mountain oysters ... Otherwise known as prairy oyster lol :P
commented on 05/02/2024 01:21 PM
I use washcloths now, because one time I was washing my booty and the bar of soap slid into my sewerhole. Sure I discovered a new sensation, but I can’t afford a new bar of soap every day.
commented on 05/02/2024 12:30 PM
Bite the head off a bat
commented on 05/02/2024 11:14 AM
The constipation is a feature, not a flaw. Don't want to have to go to the bath room during a fire fight.
commented on 05/02/2024 11:13 AM
Meals Rejected by Ethiopians
commented on 05/02/2024 10:08 AM
My wife’s cooking
commented on 05/02/2024 09:49 AM
Frosted flakes. Hold the frost ಥ_ಥ
commented on 05/02/2024 09:28 AM
dog or cat food
commented on 05/02/2024 09:18 AM
commented on 05/02/2024 09:09 AM
Radio Active gas station sushi
commented on 05/02/2024 09:07 AM
ATF Agents
commented on 05/02/2024 09:01 AM
BEANS (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
commented on 05/02/2024 08:34 AM
Hello God is that you.
commented on 05/02/2024 08:30 AM
commented on 05/02/2024 08:18 AM
I'll starve before eating the 90's era MRE...OMELET (unless there's TWO bottles of Tabasco!!!)
commented on 05/02/2024 05:42 AM
Pet Cats
commented on 05/01/2024 11:38 PM
Rat burger when Stallone ate when he went underground in the movie Demolition man ..
commented on 05/01/2024 11:02 PM
commented on 05/01/2024 10:39 PM
maggots would be my last resort go to food source. Yum yum.
commented on 05/01/2024 10:26 PM
The neighbors pet lizard. I would say the dog, but I've seen him eat his own shit.
commented on 05/01/2024 09:42 PM
My Wifes coochie
commented on 05/01/2024 09:39 PM
It might sound weird, but chicken. Knowing my luck I'd end up on a chicken farm lol
commented on 05/01/2024 09:23 PM
MRE with Asian beef is like having del taco. Your gonna have the bubble guts seconds after.
commented on 05/01/2024 08:59 PM
MRE, by God that's 3 lies for the price of 1 !!!!!
commented on 05/01/2024 08:46 PM
The next guy who tried to take my gun!!
commented on 05/01/2024 06:53 PM
I ate ludafisk when I was young I ate white castle when I was dumb Now that I’m old as I’ve been told, Taco Bell is the one who has won!
commented on 05/01/2024 06:13 PM
Don't worry democraps make lab made meat to eliminate cow farts, we are all good
commented on 05/01/2024 05:24 PM
As long as their is a bottle of hot sauce anything is fair game.
commented on 05/01/2024 04:58 PM
There will still probably be a McDonald's or Waffle House open somewhere so I'm sure I'll be good.
commented on 05/01/2024 04:55 PM
A Bucket of Maggots on a Gut Wagon
commented on 05/01/2024 03:40 PM
I think this is a great give away.
commented on 05/01/2024 02:39 PM
MRE (meals ready to eat) is a triple contradiction
commented on 05/01/2024 01:04 PM
They are great as long as they are not the vegetarian options
commented on 05/01/2024 12:38 PM
Lol trying to starve us, vegetable crumbs! Mise well eat grass
commented on 05/01/2024 11:43 AM
My grandpa always has a jar of "Pickled Pigs Feet" on stand by. But honestly I think I'd rather starve
commented on 05/01/2024 11:34 AM
I'd eat a Democrat.
commented on 05/01/2024 10:59 AM
I hope they have the buffalo chicken!
commented on 05/01/2024 10:14 AM
What year is it, 1996?
commented on 05/01/2024 10:11 AM
Your mom.
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