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3D Print Your Own Glock
created: 11/3/2024 7:29 PM in VIPVAULT

3D printing a Glock clone is one of the easiest ways to jump into DIY firearms.

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly what you need, and walk you through the quick assembly process. 

Ready to build? Let’s get started.

Picking the Right File & Setting Up Slicer Settings

Once you’ve got your 3D printer, the first step is picking the right Glock file. Most files will come with specific instructions about the slicer settings you’ll need, so be sure to follow those closely. These settings are key to getting a clean print, and they’ll often include recommendations for layer height, infill percentage, print speed, and supports.

Universal Slicer Settings: While each file might vary, there are a few settings that tend to work well across the board:

  • Layer Height: Use 0.2mm for a balance of strength and detail.

  • Walls and Shells: 3-4 walls provide increased durability.

  • Infill: Depending on the part, 50-100% infill ensures strength.

  • Support: Make sure to use supports where needed, ensuring they are easy to remove post-print.

Prepping the Printer Bed

For the best results, it’s crucial to clean your printer bed before you start printing. Use rubbing alcohol and a lint-free cloth to wipe it down, ensuring that your first layer sticks properly and the print doesn’t fail midway through. Proper bed adhesion is key to a successful print.

You’re Almost There!

After the print is done, carefully remove the supports.

This is an essential step for ensuring that everything fits together smoothly.

Now that the printing is finished, it's time to gather the tools and parts needed for assembly.

Shopping List

Tools Needed:

  • 3mm and 4mm drill bits

  • Screwdriver, punches, hammer, drill, and needle-nosed pliers


[Companies usually offer complete slides prebuilt with all the necessary parts installed] 

(Glock slide, barrel, recoil spring assembly, firing pin safety, striker assembly, channel liner, extractor, extractor spring, rear plate, and sights) 

1. Prepare and Lay Out Your Parts

  • Gather all components and ensure everything is accounted for.

  • Remove all support material from the printed frame. Use a small screwdriver for cleaning.

Drill out the pin holes: use a 4mm drill bit for the larger pins and a 3mm drill bit for the smaller ones.

2. Install Magazine Catch

Insert the magazine catch and spring into the frame, ensuring the spring fits into the catch slot.

* Test the magazine catch by inserting a magazine. It should lock securely in place and release smoothly when pressed.

3.Install Front Rail Block

Insert the front rail block into the frame and secure it with the pin or screw. If you’re using a roll pin, compress it with a proper roll pin punch.

4. Install Slide Latch System

Install the slide latch spring and slide latch, similar to how it’s done in a factory Glock. Use a screwdriver to compress the spring and secure the latch in place, ensuring it locks properly.

5. Install Rear Rails

Trigger Mechanism, and Locking Block

  • Install the Locking Block: Insert the locking block into the frame's recess, ensuring it fits snugly and the pin holes align.

  • Install Rear Rail: Place the rear rail into the frame’s rear pocket. If needed, carefully drill through the rails to ensure proper alignment. Avoid bending the rail.

6. Install Trigger Assembly: 

Insert the trigger assembly into the rear rail unit and slide both into the pocket together. If the pin holes don't align, adjust with a 3mm drill bit. Then, insert the rear pin by wiggling the parts to align them. If you're having a hard time give them a few good smacks with a hammer. 

7. Insert Pins: 

Start with the smaller pin, ensuring the trigger is properly seated. Next, install the slide stop between the left side of the trigger and the frame, making sure the slide stop spring stays beneath the top pin of the locking block.

8. Insert Final Pin: 

From the right side of the frame, insert the final pin. Ensure all components—trigger, slide stop, and locking block—are aligned, with the slide stop spring properly positioned under the locking block’s top pin.

9. Install Slide and Function Test

Install Slide: Align the assembled slide with the rear rails and carefully guide it onto the frame. Press down on the slide latch if needed to fit.

Function Test: Rack the slide and dry fire in a safe direction, then test the trigger reset by racking the slide again and releasing the trigger. If everything operates smoothly, the build is complete. Apply grease or oil to the rails to improve performance. After a bit test firing, your build should break in nicely.

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created: 11/3/2024 7:29 PM in VIPVAULT

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