lately I've been amazed at all the signs on the roadsides. You know, the ones that read "WE BUY USED GUNS".
Those signs are expensive. Lots of times, those signs are representing big fancy shops with lots of overhead.
Who do you think will pay more for your used gun, that big fancy high overhead ship with an expensive sign or Kevin's Guns?  Think about that..... they have to make more money from you to pay for that big sign and fancy showroom.
come see us....we pay more. That's what our customers say oh sure they've called the sign people, sent pictures jumped through this hoop and that hurdle, then they came to Kevin's Guns and after we bought the gun, they said we paid them more for it.
We want old guns, new guns, military guns, hunting guns! We buy LOTS OF GUNS! The people that sell to us tell us the low offers they've gotten at other stores and usually are very happy with the deal they get from us.

So don't sell your gun until you bring it to us. We buy one gun or collections. And if you want to trade....well we have over 700 guns in the store.