Golden Knight Full Helm with Visor - This is a hefty full helm common in the late middle ages. It has brass accents and includes a number of features including, an adjustable visor, a metal connection pin to close the front and rear of the helmet securely, and an interior chin strap.

This helmet is well made from 18 gauge carbon steel. It is suitable for a medieval fair, historic re-enactments, as a prop or costume, LARPing, and is a handsome piece for display. Despite the display-quality appearance make no mistake, this is a heavy helmet and could take some hits quite well. It would be suitable for sparing if you are into that sort of thing.

Please note that the helmet is adult-sized and will fit most adult heads without a problem. It will also fit older children and teens. I would not recommend it for a small child of course. Also, those adults with very large heads please note to watch the edges when putting this on an off. Take your time putting it on for the best fit and watch your ears and beard.